PROGRESS shaping-stirruping-straightening machine model “PLURISTAR 16”,
2005 with 6 motorized pay-offs and electronically managed by the machine.
It uses electric servo drives and the help of compressed air.
Shaping bench up to 12 meters with bilateral bending system,
main collection platform with automatic extractable swords,
second movable platform under the machine for collecting the processed material with dividing compartments,
automatically managed by the machine software to be able to separate the various processes / customers.
Pins and bending mandrels (also for spirals) for each diameter from 6 to 16,
with the possibility of working with double wire up to diameter 12.
This machine can be stirrup bender, shaper and straightener,
with an automatic system that makes the transition from stirrup bender (with straightening rollers) to shaping / straightening machine (with hyperbolic rotor straightening system),
and it is also managed by a completely automatic diameter change system.
Supplied with butt welder to avoid waste of material that offers the possibility of welding the remainder of the reel with the new reel inserted and
another accessory is the straightening gun(year 2011) to straighten the wire entering the machine.
Machine management software connected remotely with the terminals of your office and with PROGRES.
Used very little, kept in excellent condition and like new,
with very few hours of work compared to its age and a technology that makes it reliable, versatile and today competitive with respect to the most recent technologies.